
Our Capabilities

Research Laboratory

We are practitioners, and field research along with environmental parameter measurements have always been part of our work. Starting with measurements of gaseous and dust pollutant emissions, water and wastewater testing, and ending with environmental noise measurements. The range of services we provide is constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of our clients.

PCA Accreditation

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Air Pollution

The LEMITOR Research Laboratory offers a wide range of accredited measurements for air emissions and ambient air concentrations. These services are carried out by an experienced team using various methods tailored to each specific task.

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Acoustic Measurements of Noise and Vibrations

The analysis of noise related environmental hazards is a strong area for LEMITOR, particularly in conducting measurements that are essential for assessing conditions. Our high level of expertise allows us to handle the most demanding projects, both in Poland and internationally.


Comprehensive Environmental Studies

Measurements of dust and gas emissions, as well as noise emissions, are undoubtedly our signature services. However, we have much more to offer! We provide comprehensive support for all aspects of environmental studies.

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Interlaboratory Comparisons TUBE-PT

Interlaboratory comparisons offer a way to objectively evaluate a laboratory’s ability to produce accurate results for specific tests. The innovative TUBE-PT system extends this capability to the measurement of selected air emissions.


We Also Offer Consulting

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Wrocław office

Phone: +48 71 325 25 90
Address: ul. Jana Długosza 40, 51-162 Wrocław

Bydgoszcz office

Phone: +48 607 416 801 

Szczecin office

Phone: +48 513 541 413

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