In changing market conditions, the operational activity of a company does not ensure the growth that is essential to maintain its position as a market leader. Therefore, we are constantly looking for new opportunities to enhance our competencies and new technologies that will help us continuously strengthen our market position. We participate in international projects funded by the European Union and make use of resources that support development and innovation. This allows us to more easily implement our ideas.
LIFE TreeCheck
The LIFE TreeCheck (LTCH) project focuses on green infrastructure that mitigates the urban heat island effect. The project is coordinated by the Nadace Partnerství association and its associated partners: the Carpathian Development Institute (Karpatský rozvojový institut) from Slovakia, the Institute of Global Change Research of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Ústav výzkumu globální změny Akademie věd ČR), SAFE TREES, Ökotárs Alapítvány from Hungary, and companies EKOTOXA (Czech Republic) and LEMITOR Environmental Protection (Poland). LTCH is implemented as a joint project in cities across Central Europe – in the Czech Republic (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň), Slovakia (Košice, Prešov), Poland (Wałbrzych), and Hungary (Budapest).
The LIFE TreeCheck project has received financial support from the European Union through the LIFE program.
SME Support in the Area of Digitalization – Digitalization Vouchers [6.2]
Lemitor Environmental Protection Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. has received funding for the implementation of a project from the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014-2020, Measure 6.2 Support for SMEs in the Area of Digitalization – Digitalization Vouchers.
Project Title: “Digitalization of Lemitor Environmental Protection Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.”
Project Goals: The goal of the project is to digitize Lemitor Environmental Protection Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. by implementing process innovations related to introducing software for remote environmental consulting and monitoring services.
Expected Outcomes: The project will result in software for remote provision of environmental consulting and monitoring services, including data, information, and specialized documentation exchange between Lemitor, its clients, and independent environmental experts and consultants. The project will strengthen the company’s resilience to further pandemic developments or prepare it for similar future crises. Implementing software that allows automation, acceleration, and systematization of company processes is a tangible response to the epidemic situation and its impact on the company’s operations.
Project Value: 291 400,00 PLN
Funding Value: 247 690,00 PLN
Financed as part of the EU response to COVID-19
Beneficiary Name: Lemitor Environmental Protection Limited Liability Partnership
Project Title: Conducting Research and Development to Develop a Dynamic Noise Map and a Dynamic Air Quality Map
Project Goals: The aim of the project is to develop a prototype geoportal that will present a dynamic map of environmental conditions concerning air pollution and noise in real time.
Funding Amount: 1 349 351,41 PLN
This project is being carried out under sub-measure 1.2.1 Innovative Enterprises – Horizontal Competition, Regional Operational Program of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship 2014-2020.
Grants for Business Internationalization [1.4.1A]
Beneficiary Name: Lemitor Environmental Protection Limited Liability Partnership
Project Title: Development of a Long-Term (comprehensive) Business Strategy for Lemitor Environmental Protection Ltd.
Project Goals: The main goal of the project is to increase profitability and gain a long-term competitive advantage for the beneficiary by creating a long-term (comprehensive) business strategy aimed at fully utilizing and maximizing its assets. Additionally, the project aims to implement the developed strategy in the longer term.
Planned Outcomes: (1) Creation of one long-term (comprehensive) business strategy, (2) Signing of one foreign trade contract in 2018.
Project Value: 49 200,00 PLN
Funding Amount: 34 000,00 PLN
This project is being carried out under Measure 1.4 Business Internationalization, sub-measure 1.4.1 Business Internationalization – Horizontal Competition, Scheme 1.4.1A Creation of New Business Models for SMEs.
Passport to Export [6.1]
Beneficiary Name: Lemitor Environmental Protection Limited Liability Company
Project Title: Implementation of the Export Development Plan for Lemitor Environmental Protection Ltd.
Project Duration: 1.05.2014 – 31.12.2015
Project Value: 237 500,00 PLN
Funding Amount: 178 750,00 PLN
This project is being carried out under Measure 6.1 Passport to Export, Priority Axis 6 Polish Economy on the International Market, of the Innovative Economy Operational Program 2007 – 2013.
Investment Grants for SMEs [1.1.A2]
Beneficiary Name: Lemitor Environmental Protection Limited Liability Company
Project Title: Launching an Innovative Service by LEMITOR Environmental Protection Ltd. for Conducting Comparative Studies in the Measurement of Exhaust Gas Emissions.
This project is being carried out under Scheme 1.1.A2 Investment Grants for SMEs Supporting Product and Process Innovation at the regional level, in accordance with the Lower Silesian Innovation Strategy (excluding tourism-related projects).
Investment Grants for SMEs [1.1.A1]
Beneficiary Name: Lemitor Environmental Protection Limited Liability Company
Project Title: Implementation of Innovative Environmental Management Software into Production, Representing a Novel Idea by Lemitor Environmental Protection Ltd.
This project is being carried out under Scheme 1.1.A1 Investment Grants for SMEs Supporting Product and Process Innovation at the regional level, in accordance with the Lower Silesian Innovation Strategy (excluding tourism-related projects).
Check Competencies
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certifications
LEMITOR Consulting has implemented and follows a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 and an environmental management system compliant with ISO 14001. This ensures that the advisory services provided are in line with quality principles, particularly: customer focus, employee engagement, and continuous improvement, as well as environmental protection principles and actions aimed at reducing resource and energy consumption.
An important step in the process of building the INTEL plant
LIFE Tree Check
LIFE Tree Check LEMITOR engages in various areas, including our role as a partner in… – in a new way!
We’re Evolving, We’re Updating Our Image! Welcome to the newly redesigned LEMITOR website! After several…