We work for a better environment for future generations

We are optimistic about the future

We support environmental protection at every stage of investment

Environmental Consulting and Environmental Research

What can we do for you?

ikona - laboratorium


Accredited laboratory tests of environmental components

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Studies and inventories of planned investment areas and ecologically valuable areas



Expert reports and strategic plans and programs for public administration



Studies in the area of climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas emissions



Environmental assessments and analyses for transport and transportation infrastructure

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Comprehensive environmental protection support for industry

Leader in environmental research


Every project is an opportunity for us to grow and collaborate towards positive change. We analyze and advise, calculate and model, verify in the field and test in the laboratory. We work comprehensively so that the actions of business and administration can optimally improve the spaces we create together. Start a better change with us. Start it today.

For over 30 years, we have been supporting companies and public institutions in environmental impact assessments. Our services are dedicated to investors, infrastructure managers and public administration bodies.

zdjęcie biznesmena

Consulting and Research Laboratory

Our Specializations



The LEMITOR Research Laboratory offers a wide range of environmental component studies. Since the beginning of the company’s existence, we have conducted thousands of measurements of air pollution, as well as analyses of water, soil, and waste. We specialize in measuring air pollution emissions and imissions, as well as noise. We study the environment to understand what needs to be improved and changed. Changing for the better.



Since 1990, the LEMITOR Consulting has supported businesses at every stage of their development, from assistance with basic statutory obligations to addressing complex challenges. We initiate and help implement changes that facilitate making rational decisions regarding the environment. We help change for the better.



Thorough knowledge, extensive experience, and available solid resources are the right foundation for carrying out comprehensive tasks. LEMITOR combines all these competencies. Thanks to this, we can support the implementation of plans, programs, and strategies created and modified by entire regions and government administrative units. We help change for the better.

Comprehensive environmental services

Our Customers


Check out our projects

Every assignment is unique to us. Each task we undertake involves different environmental conditions, a different nature of activity, and most importantly, varying expectations regarding the method of cooperation and the defined goal.Our diverse services allow us to undertake projects for public institutions, as well as international and domestic companies.

The subject of protection is complex, including the preparation of documentation, conducting surveys, and providing long term support. Even the smallest changes to an investment may require new permits, so our team is always available to assist with surveys and consultations.

Our Expertise. Your Benefit.

Take Advantage of Our Expertise

LIFE Tree Check

LIFE Tree Check LEMITOR engages in various areas, including our role as a partner in…

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