The context of environmental protection can arise in various areas of business operations. For instance, an environmental review assesses the impact of existing facilities, while an environmental audit typically focuses on compliance with legal regulations. Each of these evaluations has its own specific focus but both require a holistic and mature approach to address the issues at hand.
We offer our services to all levels of public administration across the country, as well as to facility operators nationwide.
An environmental review is a tool used to assess the impact of ongoing operations at existing facilities. The need for an environmental review may arise from an administrative decision or a voluntary decision by the facility manager. This review provides valuable information for the decision-making process and is also important for building a positive image of the business.
An environmental audit is also a review tool but differs from an environmental review in that it focuses on formal aspects of operations. It assesses compliance with current regulations and identifies any gaps in this regard. The audit provides a complete picture of the situation, highlighting areas that need improvement and outlining risks associated with the absence of corrective actions.
If the preparation of an environmental review is required as a result of an administrative decision, you can authorize a representative from LEMITOR to act on your behalf in the relevant proceedings. This speeds up the process and reduces the burden on the client.
The scope of services includes all fundamental elements required for such assessments, including field inspections. The report can also address in more detail any specific issues defined by the client as particularly important.
We handle projects of varying complexity, including those that are closely linked with other parallel administrative processes. Our services are provided by experts from LEMITOR Consulting Laboratory, which holds a Quality Management System certificate according to PN-EN/ISO 9001 issued by TÜV NORD Polska, as well as an Environmental Management System certificate according to PN-EN/ISO 14001.
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ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certifications
LEMITOR Consulting has implemented and follows a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 and an environmental management system compliant with ISO 14001. This ensures that the advisory services provided are in line with quality principles, particularly: customer focus, employee engagement, and continuous improvement, as well as environmental protection principles and actions aimed at reducing resource and energy consumption.
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