The preparation of various types of applications for environmental permits and approvals is a crucial aspect of the services offered by LEMITOR Consulting Laboratory. Properly developing and justifying the application for the necessary permit often plays a key role in determining the feasibility of launching and operating the completed project.
We offer our services to both domestic and international investors interested in new projects and the development of existing ventures.
Commencing operations is not possible without obtaining the necessary permits or approvals that regulate the use and impact on the environment. In practice, this stage is as critical as obtaining the Environmental Decision, which occurs before starting the investment project. Moreover, both stages must be fully aligned, as changes in one can significantly affect the other. In such complex procedures, it is valuable to rely on the specialists at LEMITOR to ensure professional and timely execution.
In each case, our prepared application includes a substantive section covering the results of analyses and calculations, as well as, depending on the needs, models of the dispersion of dust and gas pollutants and noise. These models are created using specialized software.
Our services include the comprehensive preparation of documentation needed to obtain the full range of environmental permits and approvals, as well as other activities that may be required for your operations. This includes:
- Integrated permits (IPPC)
- Permits for the emission of gases and dust into the air
- Authorizations for participation in the CO2 emissions trading system
- Notifications for installations which do not require a permit for releasing gases and dust into the air
- Water law permits (for water abstraction and/or wastewater discharge into water bodies or soil)
- Waste generation permits
- Permits for waste processing and/or collection
It is possible to authorize a representative from LEMITOR to act on your behalf in administrative proceedings for obtaining the necessary permits or approvals. This can expedite the process and reduce the burden on the client.
We handle projects of varying complexity, including those that are closely linked with other parallel administrative processes. Our services are provided by experts from LEMITOR Consulting Laboratory, which holds a Quality Management System certificate according to PN-EN/ISO 9001 issued by TÜV NORD Polska, as well as an Environmental Management System certificate according to PN-EN/ISO 14001.
Check Competencies
SO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certifications
LEMITOR Consulting has implemented and follows a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001 and an environmental management system compliant with ISO 14001. This ensures that the advisory services provided are in line with quality principles, particularly: customer focus, employee engagement, and continuous improvement, as well as environmental protection principles and actions aimed at reducing resource and energy consumption.
An important step in the process of building the INTEL plant
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