The results of emissions measurements provided by environmental research laboratories offer industrial operators clear and crucial information about their installations’ performance and often form an important part of regulatory compliance and documentation. Precision and accuracy are essential. That’s why we created TUBE-PT!
The complexity of factors affecting results and the often lack of ability to replicate the conditions at the time of measurement require not only the right equipment but also experienced and skilled handling. The reliability and accuracy of the obtained measurement data are crucial, and inter-laboratory comparisons are the best way to verify them.
Interlaboratory comparisons assess a laboratory’s ability to obtain reliable results for specific types of tests. In practice, participation offers several benefits, including:
- Evaluation of the methods and measurement practices used by the laboratory
- Increased client trust in laboratories that can demonstrate positive results from participation
- Confirmation of the laboratory’s competence
- Identification of areas where the laboratory needs to improve its measurement process
- Exchange of experiences and observations during measurements among industry specialists
The proficiency testing program through inter laboratory comparisons is aimed at all testing laboratories, whether accredited or seeking accreditatios, that perform measurements of emissions to the air within the scope of the offered tests.
Proficiency testing through inter laboratory comparisons is conducted as part of periodically organized series in one of the following scopes:
- Volume flow, TOC (WHITE package)
- Volume flow, CO, SO2, NO2 (BLUE package)
- Volume flow, HCl, benzen (BLACK package)
One of the fundamental criteria for obtaining reliable results in inter-laboratory comparisons for all measurement teams is comparable measurement conditions. This is particularly challenging in the field of emission measurements. Considering this, we offer the opportunity to conduct inter laboratory comparisons using a specially designed installation for this purpose. This setup allows measurements to be performed under identical conditions and at the same time for multiple measurement teams, ensuring the highest level of reliability in the comparison.
Our advantages include:
- The capability to measure concentrations of gases such as SO2, CO, NO2, HCl, , benzene, and propane, as well as flow rates
- 11 measurement positions (spaced at five times the hydraulic diameter) allowing simultaneous participation of multiple measurement teams.
- Measurement positions ensuring identical, uniform measurement conditions.
- Measurement positions equipped with two M64x4 measurement ports mounted at a 90° angle and individual 220-240V power sockets.
- Positions providing ergonomic and basic work comfort.
- The ability to accommodate a large number of measurement teams, guaranteeing reliable statistical analysis of the results.
- A remote access system enabling participants to both transmit data to the laboratory and retrieve obtained results.
- The ability to collect samples using various methodologies for sampling exhaust gases.
- The range of settings for individual gas parameters (flow rate, concentrations, and emissions) allowing the generation of mixtures across a wide range of measured parameters.
Check Competencies
PCA Accreditation in accordance with ISO 17025.
The LEMITOR Research Laboratory obtained accreditation certificate number AB912 issued by Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA). The implementation and adherence to ISO 17025 standards by the laboratory ensure that all conducted tests meet quality system requirements, and the results obtained are accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
An important step in the process of building the INTEL plant
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